View Profile thewasteofwebspace
Welcome to my really crappy reality show.

Age 38, Male


Joined on 9/16/03

Exp Points:
190 / 280
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> 100,000
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4.14 votes
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Latest News

Today marks the occurance of two landmarks! The first landmark is my very first Newgrounds news post, and the second is the release of my new game Pojuko (which I will upload very soon). I'm hoping everyone out there enjoys the new game and it brings many minutes of time wasting fun out to you all.

One of my main concerns however is my lack of website hosting, which means I cannot provide a centralized map hosting community for everyone. I'm quite happy for anyone to start up their own community for sharing Pojuko maps, or even distributing maps on their favourite forums, but understand that I do intend on starting up a centralized Pojuko community as soon as I get myself some web hosting.

I will be starting up a Pojuko community if the game becomes enjoyed by enough people. If however the game turns out to be a big flop, well I guess I won't bother. If I do start a community however, all of the announcements will be made on this page.

I may also soon release a 'user map special' version of Pojuko, which will feature some of my favourite maps made by other users. Uh... if anyone bothers with the map editor that is. If you want a shot at getting your map into the next game I implore you not to e-mail me about it. I will disqualify any user who asks me via e-mail to put their map in the next Pojuko game.

If your map is epic, then theres a decent chance that I will hear about it. If you do however want to increase your chances of getting your map published in the next Pojuko game, make sure you post your e-mail address and a name to give credit to wherever you post your map.

Keep checking my Newgrounds profile for more details about upcoming releases and other news!

Pojuko released today!